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Travel & AdventuresNEW: Jonathan Paul's non-stop coast-to-coast flight in an M20E, done in April, 2010. Michael Coyle's description and photos doing the San Francisco "Bay Tour", a VFR trip through Class B and Class C airspace under ATC control. CarolAnn Garratt has flown around the world once in a Mooney, writing about it in the book "Upon Silver Wings". This November she plans to do it again, attempting with Carol Foy, of Spicewood, TX, to do it in seven days and to set a new record. And as with the first book, she's doing it to raise money for ALS research. Her route and more information is on her website. Rebecca and Greg Bartlett in a current around-the-world trip in an M20E. They start by flying south in Colombia, the Caribbean and Brazil. The Weekend Mooney Pilot. Ed Shreffler, a California Mooney pilot, has sent out more than 50 stories about his travel to members of the Vintage Mooney Group. Together they are evocative of Frank Kingston Smith's book, "Week-end Pilot" -- but much better visually, thanks to Ed's digital photography. We've collected most of Ed's stories of flying first a C-model and later a 201 on his own page.
A father and son travel around the world in a Mooney, HB-DGL, going from Zurich to Australia, then north and across the Bering Strait. The flight lasted from September, 2005 to July, 2006. Carol Ann Garratt's trip, done to help promote awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) between February and October, 2003. Another J model, this one with Monroy tanks and 72 gallons additional in the cockpit. Reed Prior's "backwards" around-the-world trip. Well told, well-illustrated, even if he diplomatically skipped the details of his last leg, when drug enforcement agents descended upon him at his arrival in the U.S. Flemming Pederson's Honey Mooney page, with many tales of international flying. Andy Allen's New York-to-San Diego trip from 2000 is well-profiled here, including the mechanical work to prep for it. Margrit Waltz describes her job as an international ferry pilot, with some special Mooney twists. Chris White's tour of the Mooney factory, from March 2006. A local trip in the Snohomish River valley that resulted in an engine failure. With picture details.
Mooney Caravan to OSHEach July, just before the opening of EAA Airventure both brand B and Mooney pilots organize a group fly-in to Wittmann Field in Oshkosh, WI. Typically, both arrive on a Sunday afternoon.
The first few years, the group was religious about documenting the trip in photos, reports and videos and we've captured those links here:
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Revision: 6/6/2023