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Mooney Aircraft Owners' Events


Upcoming events for Mooney aircraft owners (including fly-ins). If you wish to announce such an event, send e-mail to the webmaster. It also includes links to a variety of pictures, news and updates from events for Mooney owners.


MARCH, 2025

8:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., Bartow, FL (KBOW). Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.
14-17: Annual gathering of Australian Mooneys at Busselton, Western Australia. Registration, $480. Link.

APRIL, 2025

4-6: Mooney Safety Foundation pilot proficiency program, Hendersen, NV, $950 (by check) or $975 (credit card). Registration link.
12:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., Ft. Pierce, FL (KFPR). Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.

MAY, 2025

10:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., Winter Haven, FL (KGIF). Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.
17: European Mooney pilots Bratwurst Fly-in to Gunzenhausen (EDMH), noon to 4 p.m. Link. Alternative date in case of bad weather is May 31, 2025.

JUNE, 2025

6-8: Mooney Safety Foundation pilot proficiency program, Cheyenne, WY, $950 (by check) or $975 (credit card). Registration link.
14:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., location TBA. Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.

JULY, 2025

12:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., location TBA. Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.
19: Mooney Caravan XXV, KMSN to KOSH. Website.

AUGUST, 2025

9:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., location TBA. Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.


12-14: Mooney Safety Foundation pilot proficiency program, Groton, CT, $950 (by check) or $975 (credit card). Registration link.
13:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., location TBA. Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.


11:  Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., location TBA. Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.
17-19: Mooney Safety Foundation pilot proficiency program, Branson, MO, $950 (by check) or $975 (credit card). Registration link.


8: Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., location TBA. Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.


13: Florida Mooney second Saturday lunch group, 11:30 a.m., location TBA. Contact Dave ( by Thursday if you are going to try to come the restaurant can get an approximate headcount.




Revision: 3/4/2025