March 13th, 1864San Francisco Lodge1 PDF, p. 14
Dear Sir I have two actions against Smiley for stealing the “Golden Gate” treasure, one civil, the other criminal. I am likely to fail in both actions not for want of proof but because there is no one to help me. The defendant argues that the American underwriters are willing to let him keep what he has got and the greedy Brittishers (sic) wish to rob him. I am sir your obedt. sert. Francis W. Lodge -- Post of American Interest Mexico Fowler, formerly a Boston pilot’s son arrived in New York about 16th of January with considerable treasure plundered from wreck of “Golden Gate”. Fowler the father arrived “New York” by Roberts line of steamers late in Feby. or early in March 1864 with more of the stolen treasure. Francis Kosh shipped at Manzanillo $20,000 of it consigned to S.T. Mayer, New York. Marrel Brothers shipped $6,110, consigned to Ned Probst & Co. Can you put your detectives on the track?
Revision: 10/28/2010